Tuesday 28 September 2010


Throughout this project I have been working towards completing a Brief given to us by Revolution Art to create a poster or image underwater. Overall I feel this project went well I had a few moments were I had to change my idea but I feel that’s all part of the process. I am really pleased with my final outcome in the project because I haven’t really worked with Photoshop before so everything I have done has been learnt in a short period of time.
Working with Photoshop has been a new way of working for me coming from 3D and Fine Art background, Photoshop didn’t really come up in my other course’s unless you wanted to use it and I never really designed anything that needed it. So learning the tools in Photoshop has been the hardest thing to do. I mainly found tools I like to work with Such as the Smudge, Burn, Paintbrush and Stamp. I used mask’s allot in this project to change colour setting and putting shadows into my image. Using the Tools was very difficult at first although I did get the hang of smudge very quickly because it meant I could be creative using the touch screen to make an image that I wanted. I found it hard to get the hang of the stamp tool because it isn’t made to draw a continuous line as it makes very harsh straight lines through the image
My final outcome certainly isn’t amazing however I feel it portrays all the skills I have learnt in the demos that I have done with the class. If I could do it again I think I would have perhaps manipulated the image of the knights more however with my lack of Skill in Photoshop I think that would have got too complicated and I would have ultimately failed in producing a piece for the short deadline.

My Final Image.

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